Sunday, February 20, 2011

Welcome to our blog

A quick hello from the web and social media developer for!  I'm proud to be working with Shihan Crosswell and Dawn Croft to relaunch the website.

A total redesign of the site is under way, both aesthetically and technically.  The rich content from the current site will be retained and enhanced - including the addition of videos, lots of photographs and a more detailed look into the arts, their histories and the proud lineage of the Dojo.  The header for this blog is a little clue as to how the site is evolving.  We will be announcing some launch dates in the next week!

This blog will be the future home of the day to day events of the Dojo.  We will be posting announcements for special seminars, demonstrations and promotions.  I am hoping that eventually, Shihan Crosswell will be posting as well!

I'm also going to jump the gun and introduce the woman I am proud to call my friend and most likely the primary blogger - Dawn Croft.  Dawn posses a rich martial arts background in many arts and has studied around the world.  She has been studying at the Arizona Budokan since August of 2008 - if memory serves me.  And she's been my friend for over 17 years.

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