Most of you know that Sensei Jerry recently earned his 3rd dan ranking in Shito-ryu karate and that Shihan also honored him with the rare title of sensei. But did you know that Sensei Jerry started training at the Arizona Budokan before any other student at the dojo?
Actually, Sensei Jerry started training in 1975--before Sempai Dawn or any of the AZB kids were even born!
Sensei Jerry's a yellow belt!
In those days, the Arizona Budokan was located in downtown Phoenix on Thomas Road, and Shihan wasn't even a Shihan yet--he was a yondan, or 4th degree black belt.
Shihan and Soke Hayashi in 1975
Sensei Jerry was lucky enough to actually train with Soke Hayashi, who was Shihan's primary teacher and a direct student of the founder of our style, Kenwa Mabuni. Can you spot both of them in this picture?
Sensei Jerry at a training session with Soke Hayashi
So... if you're wondering where Sensei Jerry got that wicked ridgehand of his, now you know he's been practicing it for longer than many of us have even been alive.
Sensei Jerry developing his signature kumite strike :)
Sensei Jerry left the Arizona Budokan several times over the years, but he always came back eventually. Of course, Shihan made him start back at white belt every time. In 2001 he returned for good, and we've been privileged to have him as a sempai ever since.
In January, Shihan finally awarded his most loyal lifetime student the distinguished title of sensei--making him one of only five of Shihan's hundreds and hundreds of students ever to receive it.
Congratulations, Sensei Jerry! You are an amazing martial artist and an inspiration to us all.